Product Q&A

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Bob from Lancaster Oh writes

I unknowing put 10 times the strength of Forbin 4F on 5 trees before I realized it.

I accidently sprayed 6 trees with 10 times the strength of Forbid 4F if not more than it should have been. Was not sure how much was in the bottle before he mixed it. Trees are in a woods not close to water, ponds or creeks nor close to homes. Level ground so very limited run off. Will it kill the trees? Thank you


We are sorry to that.  Only time will tell really how the trees will be affected from an over application of the Forbid 4F Ornamental Insecticide Miticide.  You may try reaching out to the manufacturer for the best advice on if anything can be done 800-331-8570.

Answer last updated on: 03/18/2020

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