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Lennon from Forest, Mississippi writes

Using CAL FLO Liquid Limestone for pond liming?

I want to see if Cal Flo is safe for a fishing pond, what amount is suggested for initial treatment, and how often treatment is suggested. The pond is stocked with bass, bluegill, shell crackers, threadfin shad, and grass carp. The pond is 3 surface acres, sits in a pine plantation in central Mississippi, averages about 6 feet in depth, has a hard clay bottom, holds water well, and watershed comes from the pine plantation, no creeks entering or exiting. Thanks for your time.


Yes, CAL FLO can be used in ponds.  Per the product label instructions:  “For Fish Ponds, general application rates are 2 1/2 gallons per surface acre of water. If commercial spray equipment is used, add one gallon of CAL FLO to 30 gallons of water and project the dilution on to the water to be treated. If CAL FLO is applied from a boat, slowly pour CAL FLO from a moving boat, letting the motor serve as a mixer. NOTE: For best results, water analysis is recommended to accurately determine application rate.”

Answer last updated on: 11/19/2020

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CAL FLO Liquid Limestone

CAL FLO Liquid Limestone

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