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To from Los Angeles, Ca writes

Using the Centrobulb in an upright position

I need to dust the eaves around my house. Several reviews said the Centrobulb Duster did not work in an upright position. One even mentioned they did shake the powder before using. What are they doing wrong?


The Centrobulb duster actually has a brass tube with a filter on the end that runs inside the length of the bulb. When people are trying to use the the duster with the nozzle pointed straight up, they are blocking the filter with all of the dust and the air cannot circulate. The Centrobulb duster should be used either with the nozzle parallel to the ground or with the nozzle pointed down to the ground for the most consistent dust applications. If you really need to use it with the nozzle pointed up then you can add a marble or small bearing to the bulb (this will help break up clumps of dust and help avoid clogging), only fill the bulb about 1/4 full of dust and shake the duster each time you squeeze the bulb.

Answer last updated on: 09/27/2011

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