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Kim from Lincoln, Ne writes

We have an earth berm home, so the roof on the north side is so low I can't get under to trench

The roof is only a couple feet off the ground, so I can't get under it to dig a trench to pour the termiticide. If I repeat the treatment every year, can I just use it as a soil drench, like I would if I were treating a tree for bugs? I could do that, and maybe scrape a bit of a shallow trench under there to pour into.


If you cannot trench with Dominion 2L Termiticide Concentrate in an area you would just have to leave that area open as a possible entry or you can use stations in the area as part of prevention.  Applying Dominion as you would a soil drench to a plant would not have the same effect as it would in an actual 6 x 6 trench.  It lasts 5-7 years in the soil so would not be applied once a year for termite prevention.

Answer last updated on: 05/17/2019

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Dominion 2L Termiticide

Dominion 2L Termiticide

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