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Chuck writes

We live in the Puna district on the big island of Hawaii, and we have (Wasmannia auropunctat) little fire ant.

What product do you recommend for eradication? These insects like peanut butter, or other oils, like avocado, not so much sweet. They are a real danger. I am thinking that a bait and spray will be the most effective. In the past, I have tried Optigard, Suspend SC and Cynoff with some success. I really like Optiguard, but its effectiveness is somewhat limited, as we have rain almost every day. I have found NO bait that the ants are attracted to, besides peanut butter.


We have not had an experience with this exact species of ant. We did do a little research and the most recommended product was Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait that contains the active ingredients hydramethylnon and S-Methoprene (methoprene is an insect growth regulator and helps to stop the growth of eggs, larva and juvenile ants). Extinguish is a protein based bait and should prove to be more attractive than liquid or gel baits that you may have used in the past as those are carbohydrate or sweet based baits Generally, an eradication attempt will require at least 4-5 treatments with an appropriate poison bait over a two year period plus extensive monitoring for several additional years. Because this ant species is not wide spread there has not been wide spread research and there are not any products that are directly labeled for them.

Answer last updated on: 09/16/2010

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Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait

Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait

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