There is no grazing wait period with non-lactating animals when using Weedmaster.
Weedmaster is not labeled for sedge. We suggest that you contact your local cooperative extension office for recommendations on products that can safely be used for sedge in this area.
Weedmaster would kill clover and is not labeled for spurweed.
Weedmaster should not harm bees when used as directed and they are not sprayed directly. We would recommend applying early morning when they are less active to limit exposure.
Weedmaster is not labeled for use in water or around water. This product is harmful to fish and other aquatic animals and should not be applied in the areas of water or in areas of high water tables. On windy days you shouldn’t apply within 250 feet downwind from any water source.
We do not carry a product by the name of Ad- Max 90 so cannot comment on its use rates. You would need to refer to that product’s label or contact that manufacturer for information. Weedmaster does list common dandelion on the label as a weed it controls and also mentions that you can use a surfactant (0.5% by volume) to help improve control.
Weedmaster is labeled for use in corn fields for preplant and pre-emergence applications only, so if you apply when the corn or maize is newly emerged, then you may get injury to the crops or they may be unsafe to consume. Please refer to page 14 of the product label for instructions for use around Corn.
Weedmaster is labeled for puncturevine. It is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that suppresses many different types of broadleaf weeds and brush including puncturevine.
Weedmaster is only labeled for english daisy but could possibly also kill oxeye. You would have to directly spot treat it carefully to avoid spraying the other broadleafs in the area and killing them.
A license is required to purchase Weedmaster if in the states of AK, DC, or HI.
You should start to see results a few days after applying Weedmaster The dicamba works as a top burn then it takes time to kill the weeds completely depending on the type of age/health of the weed, it may take a few weeks to completely kill. You may need to wait 1-6 weeks to see full results when treating some weeds
Weedmaster is not labeled for residential use.
Weedmaster is labeled for killing spotted knapweed at 4-5 pints/acre.
If you are just spot treating with Weedmaster herbicide, then you can use 1 oz per gallon of water in a hand pump or backpack sprayer. For broadcast applications, you will use 1.5 - 4 pints of Weedmaster in 5-40 gallons of water per Acre, depending on the stage and density of the weeds you are treating. There is a full table on the product label. So for larger areas, you will need to calibrate your sprayer to determine how much area you cover per tank.
Weedmaster is a selective herbicide but should not be used on residential lawns. Do not use on bentgrass, susceptible grass pastures (such as carpetgrass, buffalograss, or St. Augustine grass), lespedeza, wild winter peas, vetch, clover, and alfalfa pastures as injury will occur.
Weedmaster will dry within about 4 hours after application. It is safe for pets after it has dried and they should be out of the area during treatment. If the dog licked it wet we recommend you contact Chemtrec for exposure guidance or your Vet. More information on SDS sheet link here.
No, you should not apply Weedmaster in an area where you intend to plant edibles or other plants soon after the application. If you are planning a small garden over the entire area, you will want to use a product that does not persist in the soil for long. We would suggest using a glyphosate-based product such as RoundUp QuikPro. After the application, you can replant after 14 days.
No, Weedmaster is not labeled for use in vegetable gardens and is for use in and around listed crops on the product label. For post emergent control in vegetable gardens (exluding corn), Grass Out Max is labeled around listed vegetables and will kill grassy weeds only. Any broadleaf weeds would need to be hand pulled or spot sprayed with Roundup or something similar that wouldnt last in the soil.
Pleae review the product label for Grass Out Max for the vegetables and grassy weeeds you are targeting.