Product Q&A

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Denise from Dallas, Ga writes

What active ingredient in SolaMist Pro Concentrate eliminates insects & how does it do that?

We have a small lake with a beach & patio area. Also we have honey bees that are attracted to that area. Will it harm them?


SolaMist Pro Concentrate active ingredients are: Cedar Oil - 42.5%, Sodium Laurel Sulfate - 19%, Peppermint Oil - 7.8%, Lemongrass Oil - 7.8% It will control Mosquitoes, spiders, gnats, wasps, ants, flies, and roaches among many other pest. SolaMist Pro Concentrate is safe to use in the lake environment, but may be toxic to honey bees that contact the solution.

Answer last updated on: 05/12/2015

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SolaMist Pro Concentrate

SolaMist Pro Concentrate

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