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Jeff from South Attleboro, Ma writes

What are some proven methods for stopping rabbits from digging holes in my yard?

Aside from shooting them. I think the police would frown upon me shooting them with a pellet gun seeing as I live in a residential area.


Rabbits can be hard to control because they reproduce quickly and stay hidden much of the time. Trapping and removing rabbits from your property is the only sure way to stop them from digging holes in the yard (at least the only sure way that won't involve the police showing up on your door step). There are several baits that work well to lure rabbits into rabbit traps. Brussels sprouts, carrots, lettuce, or apples would all be good choices. Some trappers even swear by spraying the inside of the trap with apple cider to help lure the rabbits in. You should check with local authorities to see if you can release the animals in a new location or if they must be destroyed. Another option would be to try a rabbit repellent such as Liquid Fence for Rabbits or Plant Pro-Tec Rabbit Repellent. Repellents, depending on the brand would need to be applied every 1-4 weeks to help keep the rabbits from coming into the treated areas.

Answer last updated on: 06/06/2012

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