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Brian writes

What area can a can of Tri-Die cover?

How much coverage will one can of Tri-Die provide? For example, if you were to inject the product into holes along a floor into a wall (as I am doing), how much wall could one realistically do? 10 feet, 100 feet?


There is not a coverage area on the product label, because it really all depends on how and what you are treating, and the person that is applying the product is a factor as well.  You do not need a lot of dust per hole or application.  The product comes with a straw that has holes in it so it literally shoots the dust in all directions in a void.  The product label states: Use Tri-Die with the supplied actuator and injection
tubes. Inject Tri-Die into cracks and crevices or void spaces where insects may be harboring, living and
breeding. Place injector tip into cracks, crevices, holes and other small openings. Release approximately one second of product. Move injector tip along cracks while treating at the rate of three linear feet per second. For closed voids calculate the void’s cubic area and treat at the rate of three to five seconds per three cubic feet. For closed void areas drill small access holes. Several holes may be required in long-running voids. This product can leave a white residue. This residue can normally be removed with a damp cloth or sponge.  Based on the verbiage on the product label of only releasing the product for 1 second per hole, we would imagine you could probably do close to 100 feet of wall space.  This is just an estimate. 

Answer last updated on: 04/10/2011

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