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Wayne from Orlando, Florida writes

What can I use for Pythium Root Rot?

Resodded with sod from wet area. Sod has this disease. Our home is in a dry area, but the rains brings this Pithium Root Rot back active. I have used fungicide with very little results. The grass is slowly dying.


Pythium root rot will flourish in wet soil conditions, so if you know there are areas that tend to flood, then it would be best to address the grading and/or soil in those areas for long-term control. Fungicides are best applied preventatively for this disease. Azoxy 2SC Select is one of our most popular choices for this disease. This article from your Florida Extension has excellent details about cultural control of this disease as well. Keep in mind that this disease is naturally present on warm-season grass roots.

Answer last updated on: 09/30/2019

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Azoxy 2SC Select Fungicide

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