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Mitch from Scottsdale, Az writes

What can I use to get rid of bermuda grass longterm in my rock landscape?

I'm in Arizona with caliche hard pack. I have tried at least 4 different types of 'high end' herbicides 40-50% Glyphosate to kill the Bermuda growing over landscape rock. Everything looks dead in a week and then new growth pops up in the exact same area. Clearly using the existing root structure. Is there any chance of winning this war? I have no problem with a ground sterilization process if that's what it takes.


Ground sterilization is likely going to be the best way for you to go. Pramitol 25E is a great soil sterilizer and will prevent bermuda grass as well as anything else from growing back for at least a year. Caution should be used during application as some leaching in the soil could occur and destroy nearby desirable vegetation and turfs. The Pramitol needs to be mixed at the rate of 8 ounces per each gallon of water at the lowest dilution and can be used up to 32 ounces per gallon for harder to kill brush. Time of plant death will depend on how much product is absorbed through the root system, if it is irrigate after application and if the plant is under any stress to cause it to not absorb the product as quickly. It could be days or weeks before complete death is visible in the weeds you are treating. If you still want to use a roundup product, the best one on the market would be the Roundup QuikPro that is a 73.3% Glyphosate as well as an added bonus of 2.9% Diquat which gives extra burn down of weeds. It still wont prevent others from coming back but you will see quicker burn and kill of weeds with this version than the others on the market. 

Answer last updated on: 04/25/2016

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