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Scott from Milwaukee, Wi writes

What can I use to treat peach trees that have warts appearing on the leaves?

We have two michigan peach trees growing in our yard, one of the trees has leaves that shrivel up and have warts on them. Do you know if an insect or bug may be causing this?


A fungus causes peach leaf curl, which begins as reddish areas on infected peach leaves. The areas thicken into red warts that cause the leaves to twist and curl. The fungal spores break through the leaf tissue, turning the spots gray and powdery. Infected leaves may turn yellow, orange, or purple, and drop prematurely. Infected twigs on peach trees swell, become stunted, and may die. On rare occasions, the fruit is infected and develops raised wart-like growths that become corky and crack. A good option for this is Fertilome Triple Action. This is a miticide, fungicide, and insecticide all in one and is safe for use on edibles such as peaches.

Answer last updated on: 06/15/2016

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