Shawna writes
We have two young kids, cats, dogs, birds and one really bad roach problem. We called a company to come out, but they only put out traps and said they would have to do it every six months. It seems to have only made it worse. What would be the best treatment to rid our house of these pests, but is safe for us and our pets?
All of the products in the Roach Control Kit #2 would work very well to help eliminate roaches and are safe to use around pets and children when applied as directed on the product label. When the actual application of the Demon WP is being made, all pets and children should be out of the house and they can return as soon as the treated areas are dry. The Advion roach bait gel should be placed directly into cracks and crevices around counters, sinks, drawers and cabinets. This will make the gel available to the roaches and inaccessible to your pets and children. The Gentrol Point Source do not actually contain any insecticides, just an insect juvenile growth hormone mimic. These discs can also be placed out of reach of children and animals and are readily used in sensitive locations such as hospitals and day cares everyday. Severe infestations may take several months to eliminate no matter what products you use. Sanitation will be a key factor in eliminating the roaches. Please take a few minutes to read the hints and tips in our German Cockroach article to learn more about roach elimination.
Answer last updated on: 08/10/2010