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Mag writes

What do you recommend for general pest control around a 6 unit condo building in FL?

We would like to do our own exterminating and not sure where to begin, what solution to use or what type of sprayer to use. Our present exterminator is too loose with the sprayer. I don't like the idea that all things inside need to be sprayed though I don't want pests bothering our tenants. Please advise, thanks!


Talstar P is one of our most popular insecticide concentrates and should do a great job for you. Talstar is best applied with a sprayer. Mix 1/2 or 1 oz. of Talstar P in one gallon of water and apply to the outside foundation of the structure, approx. 3 feet up the side of the structure and 2 feet out from the structure. Also spray entry points into the structure such as around windows, pipes, doorways, etc. We sell several high quality sprayers which will last for years when maintained properly. Our most popular professional sprayer is the B&G 1 Gallon Sprayer + 18-inch wand - N124-S-18 and our most popular consumer sprayer is the Chapin Premier 1 Gallon 21220. We also have a great article called Apartment Pest Control for Building Owners that will explain step by step how you can keep pests out with a minimum of chemicals.

Answer last updated on: 06/08/2011

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