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Stewart from Bradenton, Florida writes

What do you recommend to use for preventive measures in a new home?

It's a 1 story villa which we will leave empty for 3 to 4 months at a time. No visible pests.


Our General Pest Control Service Kits would be a great place to start if you are not sure what products to use. These kits include residual insecticide spray, a sprayer, insecticide dust, application, plus glue boards to help monitor pests. Glue boards are an easy tool which are useful anytime, but especially if you are gone from the property for periods of time since you can check them for insect activity when you return. Glue traps can also help you identify potential specific problem areas where you may need to do some exclusion work (for example, closing gaps around a door or window). We have more great tips in our General Pest Prevention Guide here. Please let us know if you have other questions anytime.

Answer last updated on: 04/02/2018

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