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Dave from Winter Haven, Florida writes

What external and internal products are recommended for both exterior and interior application for ants, roaches and spiders?

We also have Cypress Beams on our outside porch (central FL) and something is eating them. How do we determine what it is and how do we get rid of it?


We carry many great liquid insecticide concentrates for interior and exterior applications to eradicate ants, roaches and spiders. We would recommend applying Temprid SC monthly outside and once every three months indoors. I have included some great articles for treatment of the insects that you are treating. Baiting is key with ants and roaches. I have also included the link to get a pest identification of the insect in the beams. Once we know what insect you are treating in that area, we will be able to make a product recommendation. Roach Control Ant Control Spider Control Extension Office for Pest Id or by local pest control company

Answer last updated on: 05/11/2015

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Temprid SC Insecticide

Temprid SC Insecticide

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