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Diane writes

What insect might be responsible for small webs in my cabinets, around sink drains, etc. in my weekend house?

These are smaller-fibered and more dense and less organized than spider webs. Is there a chemical I can use to treat for these pests that is not harmful to people or pets? Also, we seem to have earwigs and those small, soft millipede-type things (these latter hang around in paper and books). What should I use to discourage these as well? We don't live in the house on a regular basis, but we use it during the summer and occasionally on weekends.


Some species of spiders do make very odd webs and it is possible that you are in fact dealing with a spider. It is also possible that you are dealing with a stored product pest of some sort. You can set out glueboards in your cabinets and in the unused sinks to see if you can catch the insect that is making the webs. After you are able to catch and identify the insect we can help you select the appropriate treatment. We recommend Cyper WP for spiders, earwigs and other hard to kill insects. You should spray around the baseboards, door frames, window frames, places where utilities (cables, pipes, wires) enter into the structure, under appliances and in any other crack, crevice or void where insects can harbor. You can use the same product for outdoor control as well. Cyper Wp is safe to use around pets and people as long as they (except for the applicator) are out of the area while the spray is being applied and they can return as soon as the area is dry (about 1 hour).

Answer last updated on: 07/14/2010

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