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V. from Bandon, Or writes

What is best product for rhodendron root weevils?

I need something for both adults and larvae.


Bifen I/T is labeled to kill weevils of several different forms and has shown to be successful through the studies of many universities on rhododendren. You would need to spray the entire plant down to try and not only kill the weevils but also to hopefully repel them from coming in the first place. Good plant health is a key factor in eliminating and preventing weevils of all kinds.  Bifen should work to kill some currently and the most in the spring. Just use heavy water volumes to push it through the soil and retreat as necessary for new activity. If for any reason you dont see the full control with the bifenthrin you can always try something like Acephate 97 as a systemic and use the Talstar as a foliar spray and as a general insecticide spray around your home to help keep down any other unwanted pests.

Answer last updated on: 04/15/2016

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