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Mike writes

What is easiest and cheapest way to get rid of bed bugs?


There is no easy way to get rid of bedbugs, if there were an easy way to eliminate them then we would not be seeing so many people with infestations. Bedbug treatments are time consuming and labor intensive. You MUST treat every crack and crevice in infested areas, wash and dry clothing, inspect and treat books, shoes, knick knacks, papers, electronics and any other item that has potential to harbor the insects. A great way to save money when treating for bedbugs is to do it yourself. You can pay a professional pest control operator thousands to do the same job you can do yourself, with the same products for a couple of hundred dollars. We have all of the products you will need available on our website and we have an assortment of bedbug kits that we have put together for our customers convenience that contain all of the products you will need and will save a few bucks.

Answer last updated on: 06/10/2010

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Bed Bug Kit #3

Bed Bug Kit #3

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