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Barbara writes

What is known about secondary poisoning (cats and birds) with Generation Mini Blox?


Secondary poisoning can occur with Generation Mini Blox but it is a concern with just about any rodent bait on the market.  However, for secondary poisoning to occur your pet would have to consume many dead rodents that ingested a significant amount of the rodent bait.  Typically, most household pets (dogs and cats) do not eat an entire dead rodent, they usually leave them on the doorstep as a trophy.  Also, they would have to find numerous dead rodents around that were accessible and this only happens in very bad infestations.  Most of the time a rodent will die in the wall or underground in burrows.  This being said, there is a new rodent bait on the market that is a vitamin D3 active ingredient which is the safest product to date and greatly diminishes the chances of secondary poisoning, and it poses a very low toxicity to birds.  It is called Terad 3 Blox and you can read more about it by clicking on the product name.

Answer last updated on: 02/03/2010

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