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Mark from Lowell writes

What is a lethal dose of Ramik Green Rodenticide?

I have been putting Ramik Green Rodenticide out daily and it's gone the next morning.


A lethal dose is going to vary by rodent as it would be in comparison to its body weight. If you are putting the Ramik Green or any bait out in secured bait stations (never ever loose and in the open) and the bait is gone every day that quickly, you likely have a very large rodent population or multiple rodent species accessing the bait. Maintaining a steady bait supply is crucial to success if there are that many rodents feeding on the bait you are providing. Ramik also states it can take 4-5 days for a single rodent to die from a lethal dose, and they may have to feed a few times to get that amount in their system. 

Answer last updated on: 12/01/2021

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Ramik Green Rodenticide

Ramik Green Rodenticide

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