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Carol writes

What is the actual difference between Diphacinone (Ditrac) and the principal ingredient in Contrac?

I live in the woods, and do NOT want to attract chipmunks to the bait stations. I do NOT have rats, only a steady supply of field mice who I prefer not to share the inside of my home with me. The company I have been using has gone out of business, so I can no longer purchase Ditrac from them. Would Contrac be "safer" for the chipmunk population? I'm out of Ditrac and need to start something in my bait stations very very soon..... My bait stations resemble your Protecta Rat station, but mine have 2 locks and a plastic key. Would I be better off using a station with a smaller hole? All of my stations are outdoors, but outside of the fenced area where my dogs play.


Both Ditrac Blox and the Contrac Blox are anticoagulants but Ditrac is a multi-feed rodenticide (rodents would have to feed multiple times to build up a lethal dose) and Contrac is a single feed rodenticide (rodents usually obtain a lethal dose in just one feeding). Unfortunately, there is no way to know if chipmunks would be attracted to either of the baits. When dealing with mice the size of the bait stations is up to you.  If you would feel more comfortable with a station with smaller entry holes, the Protecta Mouse Bait Station would be a great choice. These stations are tamper resistant, lock with a key and are very sturdy.

Answer last updated on: 03/02/2010

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