Product Q&A

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Rebecca from Jackson, Tennessee writes

What is the application ratio for one gallon mixture using SePRO Akari 5SC Miticide Insecticide?

The label instructions are for 100 gallons.


Unfortunately, the product label for SePRO Akari 5SC Miticide Insecticide does not provide the application rate in 1 gallon of water, only 100 gallons. To figure out the 1 gallon rate you can divide the rate for what you are treating for by 100. For example: The rate for spider mites is 16-24 oz. per 100 gallons of water. You would divide 16-24 oz. by 100, which is 0.16-0.24, so the rate would be 0.16-0.24 oz. per 1 gallon of water. 

Answer last updated on: 02/09/2021

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