Product Q&A

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Linzi from Montpelier writes

What is the approximate coverage area for one gallon of product?

Can you give me an approximate idea of how many gallons I would need to treat one acre of land in Ohio? Additionally, it's my understanding that one application of this product works for apx. 14 weeks. Is it safe for our residential lawn to receive more than one application in a season? Thank you so much We are In Gratitude


You will need to look at the product label we have provided on our Cutless Mec Turf product page for exact dilutions as it varies by when you are applying the product as well as what type of turf you are trying to control. On average, the highest rate the label states can be used is 49 ounces per acre in any one application and you can do multiple re-applications throughout the season. If used at the highest rate -only if that rate applies to your turf type- 1 Gallon of the product will yeild 2.5 applications.

Answer last updated on: 05/24/2014

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