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Betty writes

What is the best method for treatment of cottony maple scale?


We recommend Merit for cottony maple scale. When dealing with soft scale insects, Merit can be applied as a root/soil drench. Insecticides applied to the soil are taken up by the roots and translocated throughout the tree or shrub. Root/soil drenches offer the advantage of requiring no special equipment to apply (other than a bucket or watering can). However, surface layers of organic matter, such as mulch or leaf litter, can bind the insecticide and reduce uptake. Before applying drenches, it is important to remove or pull back any mulch or dead leaves so the insecticide solution is poured directly on the mineral soil. It is also important to keep the soil around the tree or shrub moist for the next 7-10 days after applications to encourage uptake. Low cost alternatives to the Merit would be Dominion 2L or Mallet.

Answer last updated on: 06/04/2010

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