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Jennifer from Crawfordsville, In writes

What is the best pre emergent herbicide for a tree planting?

I have a 7 acre tree planting, mostly oaks, walnuts, black locust, norway spruce and white cedar that are planted in rows with clover planted in between the rows. What is the best and LONGEST lasting pre emergent herbicide to use around the trees? The planting has been established for 5 years now. Marestail, cockbur and dandelions are primary weeds. I'm tired of spraying roundup 3 times a year!


Snapshot 2.5 TG sounds like the product you need and should do a good job for you. However, it is labeled for white clover since it is considered a broadleaf weed, so Snapshot would prevent the clover from germinating if planted from seed, as well.

Answer last updated on: 03/10/2016

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Snapshot 2.5 TG Herbicide - 50 lbs.

Snapshot 2.5 TG Herbicide - 50 lbs.

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