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Jim writes

What is the best product to kill poison ivy and other weeds common to farm areas?

I own a small farm (36 acres 7 0f which are planted) the wooded area surrounding the planted area is full of poison ivy, briars and other common pests. They flourish around a stream that needs to be cleaned out but we need to get rid of the ivy and briars first. Would you also recommend a back pack sprayer.


For the areas that are away from the stream it is best to use Crossbow which is great for the poison ivy and briars, mixed with a glyphosate product like Ranger Pro.  These together will kill the poison ivy and briars.  For areas on the bank of the stream you should use Rodeo with a Surfactant since Rodeo is labeled for use near water and will not harm the aquatic life.

Answer last updated on: 07/15/2011

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