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Constance from Manitowoc, Wi 54220 writes

What is the best time of day to apply Mosquito Barrier?


You should apply Mosquito Barrier when mosquitoes are most active to kill those on contact and start to create the barrier to repel.  You should notice more mosquito activity in the morning, early afternoon and again after the sun goes down but not so much during the middle of the day. This is because the adult mosquitoes hide out during the heat of the day. They hide on the undersides of leaves on trees and bushes, in dense brush, tall grasses, under the overhangs on structures, under decks and in other moist shady areas. Concentrating your spray applications to these areas will help insure your application is effective as it is known that adult mosquitoes will land on these treated areas.

Answer last updated on: 08/26/2021

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Mosquito Barrier

Mosquito Barrier

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