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Paul from Cuero Texas writes

What is the best time of year to spray burs with Pastora Herbicide?


In regards to sandbur control, the Pastora Herbicide label stated the following:  Apply when sandbur is newly germinated to 1.5” tall. Make applications when bermudagrass is less than 4” tall following green-up in the spring or after cutting for hay. Tall, dense stands of bermudagrass can intercept spray and reduce sandbur control. In some areas, sandbur may overwinter and start the new season with an established root system. For overwintering sandbur or newly germinated sandbur that is greater than 1.5” tall, applications of Pastora® Herbicide may only suppress growth resulting in a reduction in sandbur seedheads. For best results in these situations, apply Pastora® Herbicide in a tank mix with 2.5 to 4.1 ounces active ingredient glyphosate per acre (such as 4 to 6 fluid ounces of a 5.5 pound/gallon product or 5 to 8 fluid ounces of a 4 pound/gallon product). A follow-up application of Pastora® Herbicide may be necessary to control subsequent germination (flushes) of sandbur following the first application or when the first application was made to larger sandbur or under unfavorable environmental conditions. Sandbur Management should be part of an overall pasture management plan which includes good fertility, adequate moisture (rainfall, irrigation), insect and rodent control, and other agronomic practices which maximize bermudagrass growth. In contrast, sandbur control in areas with thin stands of bermudagrass may not be satisfactory.

Answer last updated on: 08/14/2019

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