Product Q&A

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Diane from Penn Valley Ca writes

What is the best way to remove and take down the Rescue Reusable Yellowjacket Trap while yellow jackets are swarming in the area?


The best time to remove the Rescue Reusable Yellowjacket Trap is in the evening when yellow jackets are not as active. Always wear protective clothing when removing the trap such as long sleeves, pants, closed toes shoes and gloves to prevent any accidental stings. We recommend having a can of Wasp Freeze on hand for immediate contact kill to any swarmers or yellow jackets lingering around the trap. Wasp Freeze will spray 15-20ft away and does have a slight foaming action. Be sure NOT to get any overspray on the traps or bait while replenishing bait in the trap. This could contaminate the bait and can affect the bait attractant from luring the yellow jackets into the trap.  Other options would be to wait until the stations are empty and yellow jacket activity is no longer observed visiting the trap or spraying the stations with a strong jet of water from your hose to keep them away while replenishing the bait. 

Answer last updated on: 08/15/2021

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