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Jim from Prosper, Tx writes

What is the correct mixing ratio for Sedge Ender to kill the nutsedge that is growing sporadically in my rock and mulch flower beds?

I want to use a 1 gallon multi purpose sprayer to spot treat and kill my nudsedge.


The mixing ratio for Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate is 5.5 oz per gallon of water for warm season turf. For cool season turf, the mixing ratio is 2.75 oz per gallon of water. Each of these will treat 1000 square feet. You should avoid spraying over-the-top of desirable ornamental plants with Bonide Sedge Ender since the Sulfentrazone could also damage ornamentals.

Answer last updated on: 09/07/2016

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Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate

Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate

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