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David from Lakeland, Fl writes

What is the correct setting for a Vigaro hand-held spreader using Headway G Fungicide Granules?

Established St Augustine with no fungus now What is application rate for preventative maintenance. Any toxicity for monthly usage.?Should I rotate fungicides to prevent disease resistance?


Unfortunately we do not have the spreader settings for that specific combo and the manufacturer does not list that spreader on their bag of Headway G Fungicide Granules. Due to the thousands of granules on the market and just as many different types of spreaders, you will want to calibrate your spreader to the product you are using and its application rates. You can see a short video on how to accomplish this below.

How to Calibrate your Spreader

We would need to know the disease you are trying to prevent as the rate depends on the disease you are treating as well. Looking at the product label, the table gives a low and a high rate. Next to the disease you are treating for, the lower rate is the preventative rate to treat prior to fungus activity and the higher rate is to use if the fungus is active. You could also use the higher rate to give you extended control over a longer time in this case 14-28 days before treating again. Rotating fungicides after every 2-3 applications is recommended to prevent resistance. Our guide can help as well: A Beginner's Guide to Fungicides 

Answer last updated on: 04/05/2020

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Headway G Fungicide Granules

Headway G Fungicide Granules

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