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Jared writes

What is the dilution rate for Prodiamine at 1lb per acre when using a 300 gallon tank that covers 4 acres?

My 300 gallon tank will cover 4 Acres


Depending upon where you are located in the country and what type of turf you have, you are generally going to want to do a split application of Prodiamine 65 WDG twice a year to get a longer residual that will last year round.  You can use anywhere from 0.5 lbs-0.75 lbs per application, once in the spring and once in the fall.  If your 300 gallon tank covers 4 acres then you could use anywhere from 2-3 lbs per 300 gallons per application doing two applications per year. 

Answer last updated on: 02/20/2019

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