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Dan writes

What is the dilution rate for Repels-All Liquid Concentrate?


According to the product label: Trigger Sprayer Bottles To make one quart (32 fl. ozs.) of finished product to be applied with a Trigger Sprayer, begin with an empty 1 Quart bottle, add 4 fluid ounces of SHOT ®GUN REPELS-ALL® Animal Repellent Concentrate, then add 28 fluid ounces of water, for a total of 32 fluid ounces (1 Quart) of finished spray. Screw on Trigger Sprayer then SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING and frequently during use to keep product mixed well. Pressure Tank Sprayers (One Gallon Sprayer) To make one gallon (128 fl. ozs.) of finished product to be applied with a Pressure Sprayer,begin with an empty 1 Gallon sprayer tank, add 16 fluid ounces of SHOT ®GUN RE PELS-ALL® Animal Repellent Concentrate, then add 112 fluid ounces of water, (filling to the 1 Gallon mark on the sprayer.) Screw on Tank Pump Assembly then SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING and frequently during use to keep product mixed well. (Two Gallon Sprayer) To make two gallons (256 fl. ozs.) of finished product to be applied with a Pressure Sprayer, begin with an empty 2 Gallon sprayer tank, add 32 fluid ounces of SHOT ®GUN REPELS-ALL® Animal Repellent Concentrate, then add 224 fluid ounces of water, (filling to the 2 Gallon mark on the sprayer.) Screw on Tank Pump Assembly then SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING and frequently during use to keep product mixed well

Answer last updated on: 06/09/2013

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Repels-All Liquid Concentrate

Repels-All Liquid Concentrate

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