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Bill from Ct writes

What is the effective range of Fog RX Propane Insect Fogger application in trees?

Would like to control mosquitoes in for an outdoor event in our 4 acre field surrounded by 60 maple trees and some brush.


The propane insect fogger is really a small fogger and does not have a very long range.  It is meant for up close treatment, meaning you will only be able to fog lower lying bushes, shrubs and trees.  However, mosquitoes usually stay close to the ground on lower foliage so this should not be a problem.  You do have to cover the entire area though....the fog will not travel very far typically with wind and other factors that can direct it away from the surfaces you would like to cover.

Answer last updated on: 08/22/2011

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Fog RX Propane Insect Fogger

Fog RX Propane Insect Fogger

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