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Dave from Gainesville, Fl writes

What is the mixing ratio of Docket DF Mix Rate for St Augustine Grass Brown Spot?

In north Florida, how much Docket DF (oz) should be used per gallon of water for brown spot on St. Augustine grass as a curative treatment, and then as maintenance treatment?


Docket DF-General Daconil Fungicide is not labeled for use on residential lawns.  The mixing ratio for Docket DF on commercial turf for prevention is 1.8-3.25 oz per 1000 square feet. This will mix in a gallon of water. For curative, the mixing ratio is 3.07-5.03 oz. per 1000 square feet. This will be mixed in one gallon of water as well. 

Answer last updated on: 08/14/2016

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