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Brian from Sylvester, Ga writes

What is the non medicated pretreatment mentioned in the Safe-Guard Deworming Block description?


Per the label, you have to get the cattle used to feeding from a block before using the Safe-Guard Deworming Block, so you start with one that does not contain medication.  When cattle block consumption of 0.1 pound (1.6 ounces) per 100 pounds of body weight (or 1.0 pound for mature cattle) per day is attained for several days on the nonmedicated En-pro-al Block, the three (3) day medicated treatment with Safe-Guard En-pro-al Molasses Deworming Supplement Blocks (Medicated) may begin.

Answer last updated on: 11/15/2019

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Safe-Guard Deworming Block

Safe-Guard Deworming Block


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