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Kevin from North Palm Beach, Fl writes

What is the perfect hole size, width and depth, to dig if I want to purchase an auger for the Advance Termite Bait Stations (TBS) - 10 stations?

I was lookin at one 3" X 12" but if you would suggest a different size I would be glad to know. I plan on purchasing the 15 Station kit from you.


The Advance Termite Bait Station is a little over 7 inches tall and 5.90 wide. Stations are placed 10-15 feet apart, 2-4 feet away from the foundation around the structure to be treated to monitor subterranean termite activity, but not directly under the drip line from the roof of the structure. To dig holes for the stations, use a 2 ¾ in. hand or electric auger or post hole digger. The cavity for each station should extend 2 to 4 in. below the station's housing to allow excess moisture to drain.

Answer last updated on: 03/18/2019

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