Product Q&A

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Dana from China writes

What is the proper indoor application for Talstar?

I live in China and hired a company that uses this product but it is difficult to communicate. Should Talstar be sprayed only in cracks and crevices or on walls? Can it be sprayed in food cupboards?


Talstar P should only be applied as a coarse, low pressure, crack and crevice or spot spray to areas where pests hide, such as baseboards, corners, storage areas, closets, around water pipers, doors and windows, attics and eaves, behind and under refirgerators, cabinets, sinks, furnaces, stoves, the underside of shelves, drawers and similar areas.  It is not labeled to be used in cabinets.  You can find complete instructions on the product label here.

Answer last updated on: 05/27/2014

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