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Scott from Virginia writes

What precautions do I need to take when applying Termidor SC?

I will be applying Termidor SC by myself and I have a spray bottle and the correct mixing ready to be set up. How should I take precautions to protect myself during application. Should I wear certain clothing with face mask and head covered?


The best way to protect yourself when using any type of insecticide is to read and follow the product label. Page 2 of the Termidor SC product label specifically tells you what precautions need to be taken before, during and after the application. You only need to wear a face mask if you will be doing the application in a poorly ventilated or enclosed area. All other applications will require you to wear long sleeves, long pants, shoes and socks and gloves. Be sure to wash your hands after the application before you eat, drink, chew gum or use the restroom.

Answer last updated on: 08/16/2011

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