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Richard from Stella, Nc writes

What setting on the Scott's Turf Builder EdgeGuard DLX Broadcast Spreader when applying Ferti-Lome Centipede Lawn Fertilizer 15-0-15?


You would apply the Ferti-Lome Centipede Lawn Fertilizer 15-0-15 at a rate of 4 lbs per 1,000 square feet. Since the Scott’s Turf Builder EdgeGuard DLX Broadcast Spreader is not listed on the Ferti-Lome Centipede Lawn Fertilizer 15-0-15 product label, we would recommend contacting the spreader's manufacturer for the correct setting. The other option would be to calibrate your spreader yourself in which we have our How to Calibrate Your Spreader Video that walks you through step by step on how to do this. 

Answer last updated on: 05/20/2021

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