Bart writes
It's prime weather for disease in KY, 100 plus heat index and humid. I have been battling thrip for a while and I've vever had them this bad. They must go. The leaves on several CV's are getting black spots on the undersides and then quickly turning yellow. Buds are dropping like crazy and I plan to spray Spinosad twice, 4 days apart, and then a dose of Acephate. I want to mix a fungicide for the blacks it's but don't know what to use because I don't know what they are.
We do have a few broad spectrum fungicides available for use on hibiscus. Eagle 20 EW, EcoMate Armicare 100 and Heritage DF 50 are all labeled for use on hibiscus but without knowing exactly what type of fungus you are dealing with we cannot narrow down which product would best suit your needs. We recommend that you contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff. The master gardener may be able to tell you what product would work best in this situation.
Answer last updated on: 07/24/2011