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Nik writes

What type of drill bit do you use for tile outside on patio?

Can you tell me what type of drill bit to use for tile? I have to drill in a patio area that has tile and am not sure if the drill bit you have advertised on your website. Will work without breaking the tile?


When you are drilling through a patio with tile or decorative rock on it, you should never drill through the tile or rock at all.  Professional companies use the same drill bit we sell for drilling through concrete, and SDS hammer drill bit.  However, they only drill through the mortar joints in between the tile or rock and never through the tile or rock itself.  Usually you would want to use the smaller drill bit we carry, the 3/8 inch which should be fine for drilling through mortar joints.

Answer last updated on: 07/10/2011

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SDS Hammer Drill Bit

SDS Hammer Drill Bit

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