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Dean from Spring Valley (san Diego), Ca. writes

What type of poison will just cause rats to bleed & not kill owls if they eat a dead rat?

My bait station is a 4 inch tube with a tee and bait can be poured in top to settle in the middle of tube. I don't want an owl or hawk to die if they eat a dying rat?


Terad3 Is the bait chosen when secondary poising risks need to be minimized. Terad3 Blox by Bell Labs features the newest formulation in the fight against rodent infestations, using a whole new active ingredient: Vitamin D3. This new Vitamin D3 bait kills anticoagulant-resistant rats and mice (those resistant to other baits such as Contrac) and substantially reduces the risk of secondary poisoning. Terad 3 also poses a low toxicity to birds. The bait features a dense, tightly compacted 1 oz. bait block with superb durability, mold and moisture resistance and the ability to remain stable in temperatures as high as 200F.

Answer last updated on: 01/27/2013

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Terad3 Blox Rodenticide

Terad3 Blox Rodenticide

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