Product Q&A

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Stacy from Ridgeway, Sc writes

What types of shrubs and trees will Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer harm?

I have treated my lawn and as a result, I have very little poa aunna left. However, I do have poa aunna at the edges of my beds where I have River Birch, Crepe Myrtle, Blooming Cheery trees and Tea Olives and Yew shrubs. Can I use Atrazine to treat the weeds at the edges of my beds without harming the trees and shrubs?


Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer could damage or kill trees and shrubs, including all the ones listed. It should not be used over rooting area of trees, ornamentals, vegetables or other desirable plants other than indicated established turfgrasses.

Answer last updated on: 02/26/2019

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Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer

Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer

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