Product Q&A

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Colleen from Delia, Ks writes

What would cause the pump in our 45 gallon sprayer to quit while applying Crossbow Herbicide?

We sprayed crossbow through a 45 gallon sprayer and the pump quit


No, as long as you dilute what you need to use at a time Helena Crossbow Herbicide will not damage the pump of your sprayer. However, it is not recommended to store any pesticides in a tank for long periods of time because this will wear out the gaskets and pump faster. Mix what you will need to use within 24 hours and rinse out your sprayer after each use. Since your sprayer is a 45 gallon tank, we also recommend checking with the manufacturer.

Answer last updated on: 08/18/2021

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Helena Crossbow Herbicide

Helena Crossbow Herbicide

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