Product Q&A

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Nancy from Winston-salem Nc writes

What would you recommend to get rid of or control moles?

I put out Triazacide? 3 to 4 times a year and was doing pretty good with keeping moles out of my front yard but now they have made their way there and I don't know what to do. They're all over the yard now.


Triazacide will treat the grubs in your lawn, which will in turn kill the moles food source so they move elsewhere. We would recommend using Merit Granules. You will broadcast this across your lawn with a broadcast spreader. Merit Granules is the longest lasting broad-spectrum grub control product on the market. Both curative and preventative, Merit Granules holds a ten-year record of 90% effectiveness on virtually every species of turf and ornamental pests. Merit even improves the quality of your turf. If you know where the moles burrows are specifically, you could use Talpirid Bait. It is a worm shaped mole bait that is put inside the hole. It mimics their food, and they eat it and die in their tunnels.

Answer last updated on: 03/13/2015

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