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Vicky from Green Bay, Wisconsin writes

What would you recommend to put around a swimming pool to kill ants?

We had a tree cut down to install an above ground pool! Our liner in getting ruined because of ants under our liner! Any recommendations how to get rid of them?


We want you to make sure you know exactly what pest you are dealing with before recommending a treatment. Ants do not normally destroy pool liners they would just be attracted to it because of the moisture. Termites however will eat through pool liners trying to get to the moisture and can cause holes in it. If it is ants, we would suggest baiting around the pool area to make sure the entire colony is affected. If it turns out to be termites, give us a call and we can walk you through the treatment process for these as it is easier to describe it over the phone. 1-866-581-7378

Answer last updated on: 06/11/2013

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