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Laure writes

What's the difference between bedbug spray and dust?


Sprays come either in a can or a concentrate that you mix with water. Sprays need to be re-applied every 7-10 days in most situations. Dusts need to be applied with a hand duster and most last for around 6 months. When you are dealing with bedbugs, it is important that you use both a dust and a spray. The reasoning behind this is that while dusts may last a long time, they also take a long time to kill the bedbug(time that the bedbug will still be able to breed), bite and lay eggs. Sprays offer a faster kill, but do not last very long. Also, dusts must only be applied to areas that will later be inaccessible such as wall voids, under furniture, under carpets, etc. Many of the bedbug sprays can be applied to the mattress, box spring, couch and other areas that are a bit more sensitive. Professional standards require the use of both dusts and sprays. We recommend purchasing one of our bedbug kits as they come with all of the insecticide products you need to do a proper treatment.

Answer last updated on: 11/12/2010

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