Product Q&A

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Jon from Indialantic, Fl writes

When, how often and how much Pro-Mate 5-5-25 with Barricade should I apply for seashore paspalum turf grass?


In most cases the timing of the application is going to be based on the type of weeds you are trying to control and not the type of turf grass you have. You will need to apply Pro-Mate before the weeds germinate. Please take a few minutes to read over the Pro-Mate 5-5-25 Fertilizer with Barricade Pre Emergent product label to find the correct timing for the weeds you are trying to control.  You can reach the manufacturer, Helena Chemical at 901-761-0050 if you have more specific questions and you can contact your local cooperative extension office if you need your weeds identified.

Answer last updated on: 10/22/2011

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